As the dominant human habitat, cities are the epicenter of global warming, air pollution, and neoliberal ecosystem thinking. However, urban ecological constellations are more than toxic infrastructures and techno-natures shaped by humans.

Taking the city of Zurich as an example and drawing on the shared experiences in the Upper Valais, we continued to encounter other-than-human timescales and socio-natural subjectivities.
In September 22-25, 2022, a transdisciplinary group of researchers engaged with eccentric biotopes, urban agrofutures, planning politics, endangered common lands, and migrant stories. The program included guided tours, walking seminars, and an evening salon. A collaborative documentation includes field notes about local Hydro Ecologies, Processes of Renaturalization, the Zoonosis of the Asian Tiger Mosquito, Hybrid Ecological Constellations in Zurich North, three articles about endangered common lands («Unruly Grüningen», «Trading Futures», «Tägernauerholz – The Forest Being and Political Resistance»), one about the Largest Wilderness Areas in the City, diverse Agroecological Activities and Sedimented Histories at the Lakeside.
Project lead
& program curation
Flurina Gradin︎︎︎
Federico Luisetti︎︎︎
Rony Emmenegger︎︎︎
Participants 2022
Nitin Bathla︎︎︎
Joost de Bloois︎︎︎
Anna Elsner︎︎︎
Dario Gentili︎︎︎
Sophie Gosselin︎︎︎
Emiliano Guaraldo︎︎︎
Christoph Kueffer︎︎︎
Christoph Miler︎︎︎
Sophia Prinz︎︎︎
Antje Scharenberg︎︎︎
Isabel Seiffert︎︎︎
Katinka Versendaal︎︎︎