A River-centered Approach. Designing a Framework for Ecosocial Transitions

The concept of systemic ecosocial transitions is emerging as a strategy against climate change and the polycrisis. Yet, there is little experience about how such transitions can be realized in practice.
Transition visions in the North and South are often at odds conceptually and politically. As a joint initiative between scholars and activists based in Colombia and Switzerland, this research project aims at developing a shared epistemic and practical framework for transitions, based on collaborative work undertaken in Switzerland and Colombia.
To ground our project locally, we engage with river-centered transition design in the Cauca valley, Colombia and the Limmat valley, Switzerland. As a transnational initiative, the project is organized around two workshop weeks, one in Cali and another in Zurich, and will include transdisciplinary exchanges, as well as a joint outreach initiatives.
Our activities are funded by the Leading House for the Latin American Region of the University of St. Gallen, Research Partnership Grant. The workshop in Switzerland is co-sponsored also by Utopiana, Geneva.
For updates on the project and other initiatives, please sign up to our newsletter.
Project lead Colombia
Arturo Escobar ︎︎︎
Mario Alejandro Pérez-Rincón ︎︎︎
Project lead Switzerland
Federico Luisetti︎︎︎
Emiliano Guaraldo︎︎︎
Flurina Gradin︎︎︎
Rony Emmenegger︎︎︎
Christoph Miler ︎︎︎
Beat Müller
Christopher Robinson ︎︎︎
Research Partnership Grant participants
Diana Bernal ︎︎︎
Maria Campo
María Ximena Dorado Velasco
Renata Moreno ︎︎︎
Andrea Melenje ︎︎︎
María del Pilar Ramírez Gröbli ︎︎︎
Other participants
Nitin Bathla ︎︎︎
Sophie Gosselin ︎︎︎
Nikolaus Heinzer ︎︎︎